Create App by manipulating external website


Viewed 142 times


I want to create an app for a site that has no mobile version, so I need to show the user only 04 fields on the screen (login, password, sign up and ok). How can I do that

It’s not my site and I don’t have access to the source code.

The first image is the original site and the second is how I want it to appear on the Android App?

How do I do this in Java or HTML (html, javascript, jquery, ajax)?

I already used Webview, but I couldn’t make these changes in the layout, the most I could was put a Zoom, it was horrible, because the user needs to keep moving around the screen, to input the login and password data.

Where do I start? What techniques do I use to do this I need.

2 answers


  • I want to create an apk even, but my question is whether with Phonegap I will be able to manipulate the layout of this site, for it to be more user friendly end.

  • You can handle the layout with html, css and javascript


The best way to go with this is to use some library that simulates clicks on HTML components from java. One of the ones I know is Htmlunit. That way, you can make the layout the way you want on android, and when the user interacts with your buttons in the layout, for example, you simulate clicks on the html components (buttons, in case) of the site you want.

  • the idea is good, you have some functional example with HTMLUNIT that you can post here?

  • Unfortunately not, but it shouldn’t be hard to find. The only examples I have are using jsoup that just extracts information from html, but doesn’t allow you to interact with the site, it’s just a parser.

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