How to adapt / create a method that receives an anonymous class in C#


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I have a method in which one of the parameters is an object of an abstract class - Objectmapper - whose purpose is to convert an object of one class into another of another class. Below, the method signature informs that the objectMapper will receive as input a Dbdatareader and return a generic T object

public T Select<T>(string query, ObjectMapper<T, DbDataReader> objectMapper)
    var reader = dbConnector.CreateCommand(query).ExecuteReader();

        return objectMapper.from(reader);
    catch (Exception e)
        throw e;

As I come from the Java background, for cases that I don’t need to create a class, just use an anonymous class. However, it seems that C# does not provide this functionality, so I could invoke the method as follows

Select<Pessoa>("SELECT * FROM PESSOA", new ObjectMapper<Pessoa, DbDataReader>() {
    public override Pessoa from(DbDataReader reader) {
        Pessoa p = new Pessoa();

        /** Populo o objeto p a partir do objeto DbDataReader **/

        return p;

What should you do to adapt - or even create a new method - so that I can pass an "anonymous class" to the Select method ?


Follows the class Objectmapper

public abstract class ObjectMapper<T, Source>
    public abstract T from(Source source);

    public static bool hasColumnName(DbDataReader reader, string columnName)
        for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++)
            if (reader.GetName(i).Equals(columnName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) 
                return true;

        return false;

    /** Outros métodos utilitários **/ 

This class would be an adaptation of the Rowmapper class used by the Spring framework

  • It actually provides, yes, but I wanted to understand where this comes from ObjectMapper. It’s from some ORM?

  • @Gypsy Morrison Mendez No gypsy. I will post the class

  • The class Objectmapper has some other method Abstract? The method Select needs the class Objectmapper or only to access the method from?

  • @ramaral Abstract only from method. Select method only needs to access from method. Utility methods are usually accessed by Objectmapper class instances

  • The method from access some method/property of Objectmapper?

  • @ramaral Classes that inherit Objectmapper - and consequently implement the from method - can access static methods of the Objectmapper class, such as hasColumnName

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2 answers


In C# you can resort to a delegate to pass a function/method to another method.

C# provides some delegates ready-to-use.

If you only need to use static methods of the class Objectmapper I suggest you do so:

State the method Select as follows:

public T Select<T>(string query, Func<DbDataReader, T> from)
    var reader = dbConnector.CreateCommand(query).ExecuteReader();

        return from(reader);
    catch (Exception e)
        throw e;

To the method Select, in addition to the SQL string, a delegate who receives a Dbdatareader and returns an object of type T

This delegate is encapsulated using Func<T, TResult>

To call the method Select do so:

Pessoa pessoa = Select("SELECT * FROM PESSOA", reader =>
        Pessoa p = new Pessoa();

        /** Populo o objeto p a partir do objeto DbDataReader **/

        return p;

The code between braces is whatever you want and inside it you have access to Dbdatareader through the variable reader


If the goal is to provide a dynamic mapper for C#, there are already some ready, like the Automapper.

If the goal is to implement to learn, I can say that I have never seen this construction of defining the object and then implementing the body of the function, all together, at least not in C#.

If I were you, I wouldn’t define from as an abstract. Definiria virtual, allowing derived classes to reimplementate the method if necessary:

public abstract class ObjectMapper<T, TSource>
    where T: class, new()
    where TSource: DbDataReader
    public IEnumerable<T> From(TSource source)
        if (source.HasRows)
            while (source.Read())
                var objeto = new T();
                for( int index = 0; index < source.FieldCount; index ++ )
                    typeof(T).GetProperty(source.GetName(index)).SetValue(objeto, source.GetString(index));

                yield return objeto;

    public static bool hasColumnName(DbDataReader reader, string columnName)
        for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++)
            if (reader.GetName(i).Equals(columnName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) 
                return true;

        return false;

    /** Outros métodos utilitários **/ 

This example is not exactly sure, but it would be a start.

  • I actually made an adaptation of the Rowmapper used by the Spring framework. See

  • Well, for educational purposes I think valid, but C# has other more interesting ways to get data and map to objects that using a DbDataReader. The micro-framework Dapper, used to implement this site we are on, is one of them.

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