How to display a specific image?


Viewed 922 times


I am making a system of films that register the poster of the film and I want that when generate the report with all the registered movies, it shows me the image of the poster saved in the bank and not the name of the image. I found a code that shows all the images in a table of the bank, but shows all of them below the other and in the report I want to show them separately, next to the name, for example:

Title.................. Director............... Poster

13: The player..... Gela Babluani.... Image

The code that I found on the Internet and am basing myself on it is as follows:


include ('config.php');

$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM filmes ORDER BY nome_filme");

while ($filmes = mysql_fetch_object($sql)) {

echo "<img src='fotos/".$filmes->foto."' alt='Foto de exibição' /><br />";


Table name in the database: movies Poster picture variable name: $photo Movie name variable name: $movie name

  • Hmm ,you can do inside that while, a table, where it will show the results correctly.

1 answer


I’d do it that way:

include ('config.php');
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM filmes ORDER BY nome_filme");

    echo "
    while ($filmes = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {
        echo "
            <td><img src='fotos/".$filmes['foto']."'></td>
    echo "</table>";
  • gave error in a line: Fatal error: Cannot use Object of type stdClass as array in C: xampp htdocs Arquivos 3 bimestre Trabalho cadastro_filmeslst.php on line 221 Linha 221: <td>". $movies['id']." </td>

  • Yes, you need to adjust the fields right...

  • I’ve changed, try again.

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