Spring MVC
is not a framework that works with front-end
like the ones you mentioned, follows definition found in Wikipedia:
Spring is an open source framework for the Java platform created by Rod Johnson and described in his book "Expert One-on-One: JEE Design and Development". It is a non-intrusive framework, based on the standards of inversion of control design (Ioc) and dependency injection.
In Spring the container is in charge of "instantiating" classes of a Java application and defining the dependencies between them through a configuration file in XML format, framework inferences, which is called auto-Wiring or annotations in classes, methods and properties. In this way Spring allows the low class coupling of an object-oriented application.
Spring features an interface-based architecture and Pojos (Plain Old Java Objects), offering Pojos features such as security mechanisms and transaction control. It also facilitates unit testing and appears as an alternative to the complexity existing in the use of Ejbs. With Spring, one can have a high application performance.
This framework offers several modules that can be used according to the needs of the project, such as modules aimed at Web development, persistence, remote access and aspect-oriented programming.
Check out this example to check out the work it performs: