What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Heroku for your application?


Viewed 3,632 times


Mainly in a business environment

  • 6

    It depends. How is your application? What are your requirements? You need to give details, otherwise the answers will be basically "I like" or "I don’t like" Heroku.

1 answer


Your question is a little broad. Would you like to know about the advantages and disadvantages of Heroku over other Paas (Platform-as-a-Service) environments? Would you like to know the advantages and disadvantages of having your application in the cloud? Or what kind of applications benefit from the cloud?

Assuming that your question is the first option, that is, what the advantages of Heroku over other Paas services, in the case of JAVA, in this case without doubt would be the biggest advantage the user@server tool:~$ Heroku, a software package that allows you to start and create applications, set GIT continuous integration, deploy, open the application, add-ons... many useful features. Heroku also has an interesting add-ons market, which simplifies the development process. For example, say you would like to add a datastore... a Postgresql database, for example. Much like installing a new plug-in on a Wordpress site, you only have to access the Heroku Marketplace and click on a database service. This pre-designed integration reduces the human hours of developers, who don’t have to bridge the gap between the datastore service and the application in question.

Finally, Heroku is a tool that, at a certain point, simplifies the development process, offering great value to applications that must be developed quickly. A competitor, the Google App Engine, does not offer the same amenities in such a simplified way.

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