Recovering value in the pivot table as property of a relationship part


Viewed 522 times


I have the relationship manyToMany amid Grupos and Usuarios and a pivot table grupo_usuario which stores the keys and an extra field aprovador, boolean, which serves to indicate whether the user in the relationship can vote or not.

I don’t know how to insert the attribute aprovador for the user only in this relationship to be able to do something like:


2 answers


According to the documentation of the Laravel, you need to add withPivot in their relationship:

return $this->belongsToMany('App\User', 'grupo_usuario', 'grupo_id', 'user_id')->withPivot('aprovador');

In that case to capture the field:

$grupo = App\Grupo::find(1);
foreach ($grupo->usuarios as $usuario) {
   echo $usuario->pivot->aprovador;
  • You’re right Lucius. Thank you for your help.


$p = $usuario::find($id);
  • Here it didn’t work

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