How to remove certificate messages from Webbrowser?


Viewed 582 times


How do I remove those annoying messages showing that the page certificate is not valid or insecure from the component System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser? I’ve tried many ways and I haven’t found an alternative...

One of the alternatives was to define this property:

WebBrowser1.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = True

but it did not help, the other was to download a component called "Geckofx" (the Mozilla browser) but it has no support for HTML5...

  • 3

    Show the diversas maneiras, so you avoid answers with what you’ve tried and didn’t work ;)

  • I’ve improved the question

1 answer


Try to call it that before you open the webbrowser

ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback =
new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(
    { return true; }

Withdrawn of this answer of Soen

In fact, it is recommended that you understand the impact of ignoring these messages.

EDIT: I ended up leaving the answer in the original language. I don’t program VB.Net but I believe this is the equivalent.

ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = New RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(Function() True)
  • But put that where? No Webbrowser1.Load?

  • 1

    Did you make it? @Cypherpotato

  • No, @Jeferson Bueno, because I don’t know where I put this statement...

  • Ah, put it on the screen. I thought I got it because I marked the answer as correct.

  • I marked it as correct because it makes sense and it’s the only answer you have

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