Pass parameter in View


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How do I pass a parameter to a view in Mysql? Using SQL Server simply put WHERE u.nome = @nome that would solve the problem. Below is the view of the problem in SQL:

CREATE VIEW `view_conta_pessoa` AS SELECT p.nome, FROM conta c INNER JOIN pessoa p ON = c.pessoa_id WHERE c.login = @parametro 

2 answers


There is no way to pass parameters to a view in the Mysql. More details can be seen in the official documentation

There are some alternative forms to define the where of a view dynamically.

  • Create a function

    create function funcao() returns INTEGER DETERMINISTIC NO SQL return @funcao;

    Then create the view, referencing to function as a clause where and then call the function as if it were a parameter:

    CREATE VIEW `view_conta_pessoa` AS SELECT p.nome, 
    FROM conta c INNER JOIN pessoa p ON = c.pessoa_id WHERE c.coluna = funcao();

    And finally, it is possible to "call the view with a parameter"

    select p.* from (select @funcao:=12 f) s, view_conta_pessoa p;

See working on SQL Fiddle

  • Use a clause where

    It is also possible to put a clause where in call from view:

    SELECT * FROM view_conta_pessoa c WHERE c.login = 'login'

Adapted response of this post do Soen


It’s not necessarily true that we don’t pass parameters to a view. It is quite true that we can not define parameters (well, at least in my experiences did not happen). But who said we need?

Watch the view, with some joins:

VIEW `view_ranking_candidato` AS
        `candidato`.`nick` AS `nick`,
        `candidato`.`nomeCompleto` AS `nomeCompleto`,
        SUM(`desafios`.`pontuacao`) AS `totalPontos`
        JOIN `respostaSubmetida` ON ((`respostaSubmetida`.`idRespSubmetida` = `acertoCandidato`.`idRespostaSubmetida`)))
        JOIN `desafios` ON ((`desafios`.`idDesafio` = `acertoCandidato`.`idDesafio`)))
        JOIN `candidato` ON ((`candidato`.`idCandidato` = `respostaSubmetida`.`idCandidato`)))
    GROUP BY `candidato`.`idCandidato`

If you want to do a parameterized search, just include the Where clause in the select that will consume the view:

select * from view_ranking_candidato ---> vai executar a view sem parâmetros

select * from view_ranking_candidato Where nick='tester' ---> vai executar a view incluindo a cláusula where.

Adapted from:

  • At least cite the important parts here, and not a link-only response.

  • Nice of you to answer the question, but the way it looks spam. What do you think of [Edit] rewriting the answer can put the relevant parts of your post in it and leave the link as an add-on. When you have time I recommend reading: We want answers that contain only links?

  • Right, guys. I changed!

  • I believe that the edition of the original LINQ response made it clearer now, at the point where I tried to contribute.

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