calculate timestamp difference between two dates


Viewed 2,044 times


I have two dates, for example: 01/01/01 and 01/01/2002. The difference between them is one year. How can I calculate this difference and if it is more than one year make a print.

2 answers


Just add this function to your Javascript:

function dataDif(data1, data2){
   data1 = data1.split("/");
   data2 = data2.split("/");
   dif = Math.abs(parseInt(data1[0])-parseInt(data2[0]));
   dif += parseInt(Math.abs(parseInt(data1[1])*30.41 - parseInt(data2[1])*30.41));
   dif += parseInt(Math.abs(parseInt(data1[2]) - parseInt(data2[2]))*365);

   return dif;

And use it this way:

dif = dataDif("01/01/2001", "01/01/2002");
if(dif > 365){
   //Suas ações

This function I did myself. It returns the difference between the two dates in days.
That is, just check if the difference is greater than 365 to see if there is a difference greater than 1 year.
Up until.


When messing with dates I recommend using the library Momenjs, because she does all the 'heavy' work involving calculating dates.

With it you can use the function diff() to calculate the difference between dates.


var data1 = moment("01-02-2001", "DD-MM-YYYY");
var data2 = moment("01-01-2002", "DD-MM-YYYY");
var diferenca = data2.diff(data1, "years", true);

if (diferenca > 1) {
  document.getElementById("saida").innerHTML = "Mais de 1 ano";
} else if (diferenca == 1) {
  document.getElementById("saida").innerHTML = "Exatamente 1 ano";
} else {
  document.getElementById("saida").innerHTML = "Menos de 1 ano";
<script src="//"></script>
<div id="saida"></div>

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