Mysql: Windows or Linux?


Viewed 917 times


Which one performs best for dedicated server with Mysql considering several complex calculations in Stored Procedure and Functions?

  • This type of response can be very variable and very dependent on opinions, since you can change the environment from one response to another and have very different results because of this...

  • This question does not have an answer. If you have servers with exactly the same hardware running windows and linux you will get very similar results.

  • 1

    I don’t see anything wrong with this question, just lack a definition of metrics to make the proper comparisons, the boy looks for something like benchmark, despite the appeases it is possible to use "metrics" in this question, to reformulate to a single well-defined situation and finally to make the analyses of the results, would be true for that situation.

  • @mcardoso seek to reformulate the question to something more defined I passed a link in my answer from a look there the boy makes a definition of the environment and showed the results for that situation, I think valid

2 answers


There’s advantages in using the Linux for this purpose, as others may say, but from a point of view on performance, for many applications you won’t see much difference.

While Linux would be my recommendation, if you are more familiar with Windows and do not have much experience as sysadmin Linux, choose Windows. Having knowledge of fixing certain things makes you gain in time and consequently in money since, repeating, between the two, there won’t be much difference.

But watch, Windows is slower when creating files. 40 tables InnoDB involve 40 or 80 archive creations.

A good practice in Mysql would be to create tables at once and not create/delete tables frequently. If your application was designed to create/delete MULTIPLE tables, the Linux is certainly the most appropriate.

If much of the time your application uses temporary tables, Mysql 5.7 has achieved significant changes in performance (in ambos os OS) in this area.

Something else, if the dedicated server in question is serving another type of content (example: web/PHP), my recommendation will be succinct in choosing the Linux instead of Windows.

  • Mas observe, Windows é mais lento ao criar arquivos. 40 tabelas InnoDB envolvem 40 ou 80 criações de arquivo. You have a source that proves this?

  • Fountain: eu mesmo =D. I worked with dedicated Windows and Linux for 7 years. Windows was almost always a pain. Linux zips and unzips files in the blink of an eye. Multiple files, including. Another source:

  • What governs performance in creating and manipulating files on HDD is even the file system.


Very difficult to answer this question in the performance question, since everything is relative, we would have to try to simulate an equal environment for both and test several aspects, example:

  • The same hardware, state-of-the-art hardware may end up benefiting one platform and other minimum requirements hardware in the cost-benefit issue for small tables etc., or giant tables tables parrudas banks,
  • The queries running local or network, then we could have 1 point each, and this kind of test can get weird because they will say location is what counts and give point to one, but the database is usually consulted by networked clients and the performance is measured by the other processes involved and not directly the Mysql software.

  • It would be valid to make a customization? In this requirement I do not know how fair it would be for both, maintain the best settings for the windows platform and use these parameters in linux? or vise-versa? Any configuration would be unfair because it will end up benefiting one or the other.

  • We would use maximum or minimum values regarding memories and buffers, believe me, can give better performance to one in small banks and give another when it is very large banks.

So if we use all the possibilities we would have 1 winner for each situation/metrics used.

Follow an example

  • Now if we talk about security it would be easier to respond... and performance I just won’t speak linux because I lack the data that proves...

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