Discover the object class in Java


Viewed 3,521 times


I have a set of functions to configure a set of parameters in Java like this:

public void Util.setParametros(Integer par) {}
public void Util.setParametros(String par) {}
public void Util.setParametros(Long par) {}
public void Util.setParametros(Double par) {}
public void Util.setParametros(Boolean par) {}

Now I have another function that uses this and receives an array of parameters with the various types it has. For example:

public List buscaPorWhere(String where, Object[] parametros)

And I’d need to know what kind he is so I could call the method that:

Util.setParametros((Integer) parametros[1]);

How could I do that?

1 answer


You can do using instanceof

As there are few types you need to check can do something like this:

for(Object p: parametros){
   if(p instanceof Integer){
      Util.setParametros((Integer) p);
   else if(p instanceof String){
      Util.setParametros((String) p);
      //faz algo aqui;   
   else if.... //por ai vai

EDIT: OPTION 2 Another option is to find a way to use the switch case to avoid chained if. It could be like this:

 for(Object p: parametros){
       String className = p.getClass().getSimpleName();
          case "Integer":
          case "String":
  • 5

    getName() nay. getSimpleName() yes.

  • I’ll edit the answer

  • 2

    And note that String Switch only works from Java SE 1.7

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