Dynamic checkbox validation with jquery-Validator


Viewed 1,081 times


I’m trying to validate a checkbox using the plugin http://jqueryvalidation.org/. The problem is that the field I am validating it does not exist until another preset field is selected. Therefore, the validation passes even without this field. I couldn’t find a way to make the validation happen even if the field doesn’t exist.

I tried so:

 rules: {
    'bnd[]': {
        required: true
    'responsavel[]': {
        required: true
    'etapa[]': {
        required: true

This responsible field exists only after the field has been selected bnd. Does anyone know how to solve?

2 answers


The only solution I can think of is for you to control the existence of this dynamic field in submitHandler and act accordingly:

Example in Jsfiddle

    rules: {
        'bnd[]': {
            required: true
        'responsavel[]': {
            required: true
        'etapa[]': {
            required: true
    submitHandler: function(form) {
        // estou a assumir que tem a classe "responsavel"
        if ($(form).find('.responsavel').size()>=1) {
        } else {

What is being done is to allow the form submission if the dynamic element exists, if not, we do something like present an error message in the appropriate location.


You could make the field always exist, leaving the same invisible?

display: none;

If you can, then that would solve your problem.

  • I can’t, it’s a dynamic field that depends on the choice of bnd

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