Receive vector size


Viewed 7,019 times


I would like to know how to have the size of my vector in VBA.

I searched some things but could not locate anything. How can I recover this value?

  • vetor.Length doesn’t work?

  • 1

    @Felipeavelar, in the case of VBA, the vector is not an object. There are no methods or attributes that you can access to, for example, get the size.

1 answer


The array size can be obtained using the function Ubound. Note, however, that this function does not return the vector size, but the last accessible index.

See the example below:

Sub teste()
  Dim s(1) As String    
  s(0) = "L"
  s(1) = "B"
  MsgBox UBound(s)
End Sub

Msgbox Ubound(s) will show 1 (the last accessible index) and not 2 (the vector size).

Therefore, to know the size, just add + 1 (Msgbox Ubound(s) + 1)

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