Return and console.log do not work as expected in Codecademy


Viewed 485 times


I’m taking Javascript course on Codecademy, I did the function, it is returned what the exercise asks, but not step.

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  • Test write the oi large letter... -> Oi. This Academy code is a rôbot...

2 answers


The return is an instruction for the function, has no connection with the console.log.

The console.log is a method that was "idealized" a short time ago (when there was already javascript and browsers) to debug the scripts, you do not use it for "production" but rather for development.

The correct would be to "return" using return and capture this return with console.log

The return works like this

function test(){
    return "test";


So the code should be:

function nameString(name)
     return "Oi, eu sou " + name;


Note that the code runs until before the return, but what comes after is not executed:

function nameString(name)
     alert(1);//Isto será executado
     return "Oi, eu sou " + name;
     alert(2);//Isto NÃO será executado
  • I’ve tried using Return, but this message appears: "Oops, try again. It seems that Voce did not show anything on the console! You remembered to use console.log() in the result of passing your name to the nameString function()?"

  • @The things you called it console.log(nameString("Allan"));?

  • Friend, thank you very much. Just to be clear, it means that "Return" does not return by console ?

  • 2

    @Allansantos This the return is an instruction for the function, has no connection with the console.log, the console.log is a method that was invented a short time ago (when there was already javascript) to debug scripts, you do not use it for "production" but rather for development :)


You gotta make two things right:

  • the function has to give return
  • the string you return has to start with large letter

Code Academy is a Robot, you have to do as he wants.

#1 - Notice that your job should be return instead of console.log. What is intended is for the function to return and then do console.log function invocation (of its return).

What is intended is return "Oi, eu sou" + " " + name; and not console.log("Oi, eu sou" + " " + name);

Then you can do console.log(nameString('Sergio')); or var return = nameString('Sergio'); console.log(return );`

#2 - Notice that oi and Oi sane strings different. you have to start with big letter.

The code as it should be:

var nameString = function (name) {
    return "Oi, eu sou" + " " + name;

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