Connect application to Postgresql?


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Rstou wanting to connect a simple application made in C# to a Postgresql database, what I would like to know is if the procedure is similar to Java, in which I have to create a connection class, a class with the get’s and set’s of entities to manipulate the data?

I saw in Visual Studio that he has an option to Connect to Database and I thought Visual Studio was already automated in relation to that.

  • look, check out this article:

2 answers


The connection is done similarly. In Java, you connect to the database via JDBC. Files . jar

In C# the connection is made through ADO.NET. Just like in Java, you will need a mobile phone to access the database. In this case, the DLL Npgsql.dll

See a simple example of a connection below.

using System;
using System.Data;
using Npgsql; //Referencia do provider de conexão do Postgresql.  

public class Npgsqlusermanual { public Static void Main(String[] args) { Npgsqlconnection Conn = new Npgsqlconnection("Server=;Port=5432;User Id=joe;Password=secret;Database=joedata;"); Conn. Open(); Conn. Close(); } }


Here it is:
string serverdb = "IP"; dbdb string = "Basedata";

 string userdb = "Username";
 string passdb = "Password";

 string connectionString = "Server=" + serverdb + ";Port=5432;UserID=" + userdb + ";password=" + passdb + ";Database=" + dbdb + ";";

public Boolean conecta()
    //Estabelece Ligações a Bases de Dados
        this.coneccao = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString);
    catch (Exception )
        MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Erro de ligação");

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