Downloading libraries via MAVEN with proxy


Viewed 161 times


I installed the new version of Demoiselle, but when generating a project with the archetype demoiselle-jsf-jpa the project is generated with error and I cannot deploy.

I believe it is due to the network proxy, so much so that deletes the folder /opt/demoiselle/tool/maven-repo/org and executed the maven update project and did not lower the dependencies.

Can anyone tell me which links to be released in the proxy so that Maven can download the libraries?

  • What is the operating system you are using?

2 answers


  • I am using the OS : DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu DISTRIB_RELEASE=12.04 DISTRIB_CODENAME=precise DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS"

  • Saito, so are these the repositories for release? blz, I’ll see if I can release.. thanks, thanks.

  • Certo Welder. Also try to use the latest version (if not: Demoiselle-2-Infra-4 already available for linux.



I do not know if there is still time to help but it is the register, I also had problems to download libraries because of the network proxy. I couldn’t get it down by the eclipse or straight down by Maven.

In my case I just needed to configure Maven to access the proxy. The proxy configuration is in the file C:\Demoiselle\tool\maven3-local-repo\settings.xml, inside this file added the following entries:

      <host>endereço do proxy</host>
      <port>porta do proxy</port>

Done this started to work properly in Eclipse and Maven.

  • 1

    Also note that sometimes Eclipse creates its own Settings.xml file for its use, you can see this file in: Window > Preference > Maven : User Settings

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