p:selectOneMenu does not update value within ui:repeat


Viewed 227 times


The context is the following, I have a list of objects AvaliaProjeto, containing:

  • Project
  • Discretion
  • Stopover
  • Valor

The project is selected from the outside, the criteria are listed so that their scales are chosen. That is, each object AvaliaProjeto contains a relationship between scale and criterion.

I created this dialogue to register AvaliaProjeto (which is actually a sequence of evaluations), however, I list the criteria and their potential scales via ui:repeat. The problem is that when registering, the attributes Escala are void.

Below are POJO, View and Print dialogue.


<table id="table">
        <td><h:outputText value="Critério"
                class="componentePF label bold" /></td>
        <td><h:outputText value="Valor Numérico"
                class="componentePF label bold" /></td>
        <td><h:outputText value="Valor ou Impacto"
                class="componentePF label bold" /></td>

    <ui:repeat var="a" value="#{topsisBean.avaliaProjetosPD}">
            <td><h:outputText value="#{a.criterio.nomeCriterio}"
                    class="componentePF label" /></td>

            <td><p:selectBooleanCheckbox /></td>

            <td><p:selectOneMenu converter="generic" value="#{a.escala}"
                    class="componentePF text">
                    <f:selectItem itemLabel="Escolha um Impacto de Escala"
                        itemDisabled="true" noSelectionOption="true" />
                    <f:selectItems value="#{topsisBean.escalas}" var="e"
                        itemLabel="#{e.impactoEscala}" itemValue="#{e}"
                        converter="generic" />


@Table(name="avaliaprojeto", schema="somore")
public class AvaliaProjeto implements Serializable, SampleEntity {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private int idAvaliaProjeto;

    private Projeto projeto;

    private Criterio criterio;

    private Escala escala;

    double valorCriterio;
//gets sets equals e hash


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui Anyone with any idea what the problem was?

1 answer


After a lot of head-breaking, I researched stackoverflow in English and found that has problems with nested components for data collection. Being only for presentation works well.

Replaces with datatable.

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