I have a Data Grid in WPF that has columns of CPF, RG, CEP and others, I need to do the formatting for:
CPF: 111.111.111-11
RG: 11.111.111-1 With number at the end
RG: 11.111.111-A With letter at the end
CEP: 11111-11
Just populate the data and do not format.
<Window x:Class="ProjSistema.Wpf.Cadastro.Teste"
Title="Teste" Height="300" Width="300">
<DataGrid Name="dtgTeste" AutoGenerateColumns="False">
<DataGridTextColumn Header="CPF" MinWidth="100" Binding=" {Binding CPF, StringFormat={}{0:###.###.###-##}}"/>
<DataGridTextColumn Header="RG" MinWidth="100" Binding="{Binding RG, StringFormat={}{0:##.###.###-#}}" />
<DataGridTextColumn Header="CEP" MinWidth="100" Binding="{Binding CEP, StringFormat={}{0:#####-##}}" />
public partial class Teste : Window
public Teste()
List<PropriedadeTeste> lstTeste = new List<PropriedadeTeste>();
PropriedadeTeste propTeste = new PropriedadeTeste();
propTeste.CPF = "11111111111";
propTeste.RG = "111111111";
propTeste.CEP = "11111111";
dtgTeste.ItemsSource = lstTeste;
How far did you get? The columns are already being filled with the data and only need to format or not even this is happening yet?
– Butzke
They are already being filled, only need to format to be more pleasant for users.
– Mauricio Ferraz