I am unable to retrieve a date field from my jsp.
The peasant is like this:
<label for="txtDataEvento">Data do Evento</label>
<input type="text" name="data" class="form-control" id="txtDataEvento" value="${evento.data}" />
The type of my date field in VO is Calendar and I have already put down the note that was suggested in some forums.
private Calendar data;
Even so I still keep getting the following error message:
Field error in Object 'event' on field 'data': Rejected value [20/06/2015]; codes [typeMismatch.evento.data,typeMismatch.data,typeMismatch.java.util.Calendar,typeMismatch]; Arguments [org.springframework.context.support.Defaultmessagesourceresolvable:
Could someone help?
Which version of Spring you’re using?
– Filipe Miranda