setTimeout or setInterval?


Viewed 327 times


I am wearing one tooltip plugin in jQuery to modify attributes title="" multi-class. Everything was going fine until I realized a problem - I’m using a button that changes class as it’s clicked, and when this button changes class the tooltip stops working.

Obviously I tried to add to class of the button to which it is changed after being clicked to the same function as the tooltip in Javascript, but this did not work.

So my solution to this was to use a setInterval() to run this function of x in x time for the tooltip to start working again after the class of this button has been modified.

But now I have 2 questions:

  • When we use the setInterval() the request for this function is being sent to the server each time it tries to run again, or it is just running on its own Browser Window where the user has?
    (This is a concern related to Bandwidth server)

  • I searched and found another way to constantly perform this function using setTimeout who say is a better way to approach the same.

So which of these two solutions will be the best solution to address this and what is the difference between the two?

// setTimeout
(function loopingFunction() {
    $('.like-button').tipsy({fade: true, gravity: 'w'});
    setTimeout(loopingFunction, 500);
// setInterval
    $('.botao-gosto').tipsy({fade: true, gravity: 'w'});
}, 500);

Along with my question here is also an example in Jsfiddle if you can help:

  • 1

    setTimeout would just be a delay, already setInterval is a continuous repetition with delay.

2 answers


This plugin already has options to do this. The syntax according to the documentation is:

$('#example-delay'). Tipsy({delayIn: 500, delayOut: 1000});

An example would be:

    fade: true,
    gravity: 'w',
    delayIn: 500,    // pausa antes de abrir
    delayOut: 1000   // pausa antes de voltar a fechar


Of the two solutions you had setInterval it was a bad idea because it runs the code helplessly.

Note / Request for clarification:

In your question you refer "be sent to the server" and "modify title attributes of several classes". Your code does not reflect this, hence my response to the documentation. If the answer is not what you were looking for, try to be more specific. General rule to use the setInterval in this case or in case of communication with the server is rarely the right solution.

  • thanks for the help @Sergio but the problem here is that when a new class is added to the button the plugin crashes, ie the title is back to the native title and not the custom title of the plugin. unless you update the page to the custom one again. Hence I’m constantly running the code over and over again using setInterval. this is the only way I can get the tooltip Get it working again. I cannot recreate this problem in jsfiddle because in jsfiddle when a new class is added the button continues to work normally :\

  • 1

    @Chun the setInterval can’t be the solution, that’s a bad gambit :) Explain better how you’re changing the class. Do a jsFiddle with that part so I can understand how you’re doing it and change the title.

  • This is a script that wasn’t developed by me, I’m just creating a part of a theme for this platform so even I don’t know for sure where it is and what code is generating this class additional to that button in the middle of all these files. But I was able to solve prolblema using .hover() instead of the normal $( document ).ready() suggested by the plugin and is now working correctly! Thanks for all the help friend :)


I was able to solve the problem - by checking the Parent/wrapper div has the mouse inside it using .hover() instead of the $( document ).ready() that is suggested by the plugin

For example:

$(".parent-wrapper").hover(function() {
    $('.like-button').tipsy({fade: true, gravity: 'w'});

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