I have a problem. I have 3 For’s, one inside the other,
Inside the second For I make the instance of my object and soon after I pass the data of an xml file I read to that object and in the end I add everything in a List<MeuObjeto>
But in the third FOR I needed to instantiate my object again, because when I pass the dice to the object it only stores the first element. Here is an excerpt from the code:
for (int y = 0; y < tagdadosGuia.getLength(); y++) {
NodeList tagBeneficiario0 = ((Element) tagdadosGuia.item(y)).getElementsByTagName("unimed:beneficiario");
NodeList tagProcedimentos = ((Element) tagdadosGuia.item(y)).getElementsByTagName("unimed:procedimentos");
NodeList tagProcedimentos1 = ((Element) tagProcedimentos.item(0)).getElementsByTagName("unimed:dadosProcedimento");
NodeList tagProcedimento = ((Element) tagProcedimentos1.item(0)).getElementsByTagName("unimed:procedimento");
Element elementoBeneficiariox = (Element) tagBeneficiario0.item(0);
String name = pegaTag(elementoBeneficiariox, "unimed:nomeBeneficiario");
String nome = null;
for (int a = 0; a < tagProcedimentos1.getLength(); a++) {
UnimedLote contato = new UnimedLote();
nome = name;
System.err.println("Nomes: " + nome);
Element elementoBeneficiario12 = (Element) tagProcedimentos1.item(a);
String tot = pegaTag(elementoBeneficiario12, "unimed:valorInformado");
if (tot
== null) {
tot = "0";
BigDecimal vt = new BigDecimal(tot).setScale(2);
Element elementoBeneficiario0 = (Element) tagBeneficiario0.item(0);
beneficiariosLote.add(pegaTag(elementoBeneficiario0, "unimed:numeroCarteira"));
contato.setCodigo(pegaTag(elementoBeneficiario0, "unimed:numeroCarteira"));
/*Dados das Guias*/
Element elementoBeneficiario1 = (Element) tagdadosGuia.item(y);
beneficiariosLote.add(pegaTag(elementoBeneficiario1, "unimed:numeroGuiaOperadora"));
contato.setNumeroDocumento(pegaTag(elementoBeneficiario1, "unimed:numeroGuiaOperadora"));
Element elementoBeneficiario2 = (Element) tagdadosGuia.item(y);
beneficiariosLote.add(pegaTag(elementoBeneficiario2, "unimed:valorProcessadoGuia"));
Element elementoBeneficiario3 = (Element) tagdadosGuia.item(y);
beneficiariosLote.add(pegaTag(elementoBeneficiario3, "unimed:valorLiberadoGuia"));
Element elementoBeneficiario03 = (Element) tagdadosGuia.item(y);
String valorGlosa = (pegaTag(elementoBeneficiario03, "unimed:valorGlosaGuia"));
/*Dados das Guias*/
Element elementoBeneficiario4 = (Element) tagProcedimentos1.item(a);
beneficiariosLote.add(pegaTag(elementoBeneficiario4, "unimed:valorProcessado"));
Element elementoBeneficiario5 = (Element) tagProcedimentos1.item(a);
beneficiariosLote.add(pegaTag(elementoBeneficiario5, "unimed:dataProcedimento"));
//contato.setData(pegaTag(elementoBeneficiario5, "unimed:dataProcedimento"));
String d = pegaTag(elementoBeneficiario5, "unimed:dataProcedimento");
//Primeiro converte de String para Date
DateFormat formatUS = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-mm-dd");
Date date = null;
try {
date = formatUS.parse(d);
} catch (ParseException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(LeitorXml1.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
//Depois formata data
DateFormat formatBR = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-mm-yyyy");
String dateFormated = formatBR.format(date);
for (int b = 0; b < tagProcedimento.getLength(); b++) {
//Procedimento(tag que fica dentro de procedimentos)!!
Element elementoBeneficiario6 = (Element) tagProcedimento.item(0);
beneficiariosLote.add(pegaTag(elementoBeneficiario6, "unimed:codigo"));
contato.setProcedimento(pegaTag(elementoBeneficiario6, "unimed:codigo"));
Element elementoBeneficiario7 = (Element) tagProcedimento.item(0);
beneficiariosLote.add(pegaTag(elementoBeneficiario7, "unimed:descricao"));
contato.setDescricaoProced(pegaTag(elementoBeneficiario7, "unimed:descricao"));
//Procedimento(tag que fica dentro de procedimentos)!!
In the image the description that is Syringe... It is repeated by the others because it is the first data of the xml file, I can only get all the data when I instate the object inside the FOR
If you want to check the . xml snippet, it is here:
<unimed:descricao>SERINGA S/AG.20ML LUER SLIP PLASTIP</unimed:descricao>
<unimed:descricao>SCALP NR.27G MEDSCALP EMB.PLAST.</unimed:descricao>
<unimed:descricao>AGULHA HIPODERMICA 40X12 PRECISIONG</unimed:descricao>
I don’t understand very well, you want a new object like the previous one at the beginning of the third one and then within it you change the
and thedescricaoProced
?– Luis Henrique
This, the xml I have is misspelled and this was the solution I found to get several tags. Inside the third is, it is not repeating the data, IE, just takes the last data. I will show an image
– DiegoAugusto
is in or out of the lastfor
? Basically if you put in it will work, it will add 1 object to each tag. Outside it only takes the last one anyway, because every iteration of the is overwritten the previous one, an alternative would be to create alist
of tags and set it in the object.– Luis Henrique
He’s inside the last For, there’s one more who’s responsible for Taking the Main Node
– DiegoAugusto
I edited the question
– DiegoAugusto
And I was wrong too, it’s not the last element being caught but the first
– DiegoAugusto
I did, I put the list inside the last one for, I put it up there right after the second one and it worked. Put an answer so I can mark it as a solution
– DiegoAugusto
@Diegoaugusto yourself can publish your answer and mark it as the correct answer, there is nothing wrong with it.
– Otávio