Selected date comparison with current JS date


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I’ve searched the internet and right here on the site, but could not find any clean way and that works to do this.

I need JS to compare the date indicated in the field (which will be in a format DD/MM/YYYY) and compare with the current date if the date indicated is greater than the current date of an Alert.

  • tries to transform the two dates of DD/MM/YYYY to YYYYMMDD (without / and in order) and make the comparison normally YYYYMMDD > YYYYMMDD

3 answers


You can convert your date from String for Date and compare with the operator:

var strData = "28/02/2015";
var partesData = strData.split("/");
var data = new Date(partesData[2], partesData[1] - 1, partesData[0]);
if(data > new Date())


  • In Javascript, instantiate a new object Date with the empty constructor (new Date()) results in an object representing current date/time.

  • The second parameter of the constructor of the class Date is the month, which is indexed from 0 to 11. So subtract 1 the date value in string.

  • 1

    It worked perfectly partner! Thank you!

  • 2

    information about the builder new Date(), the second parameter (month) is indexed in 0, or goes from 0 to 11, so the -1

  • Good, I forgot to comment on the reply. I will edit.


I believe that if you reverse the order Javascript already parse:



var str = "28/02/2020";
var date = new Date(str.split('/').reverse().join('/'));
var novaData = new Date();
if(date > novaData) alert("Essa data ainda não chegou!");


Although already answered, follows another way using the function isAfter() of Momentjs which is a Javascript library for date handling and manipulation.

// 12/05/2015 é depois de 01/05/2015?
<script src=''></script>

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