Refactoring function to collect constants with a certain prefix


Viewed 157 times


I have a function that aims to locate and group in a matrix the constants that are declared corresponding to a certain prefix:


function get_constantsByPrefix($prefix) {

  foreach (get_defined_constants() as $key=>$value) {
    if (substr($key,0,strlen($prefix))==$prefix) {
      $dump[$key] = $value;

  if (empty($dump)) {
    return "Atenção: Não foram localizadas constantes com o prefixo '".$prefix."'";
  } else {
    return $dump;

Example of use:



Array ( [CON_WEBSITE_01] => John [CON_WEBSITE_02] => Doe ) 

This function makes use of the PHP function get_defined_constants() to verify all the declared constants and from this result, check which ones correspond to the given prefix.
If found, add to an array, returning at the end an array with the localized constants or a warning message if none have been located.


This function can be optimised by allowing code reduction and/or efficiency gain in its execution?

  • Are you experiencing performance problems? What is your motivation to optimize? At first glance it seems to me a concise function and without any serious efficiency problems or points for improvement.

  • @mgibsonbr For now I have no particular problem, but yes, I worry about the performance because the function is used in our administrative area that after implementation will serve hundreds of people, at the same time it will contain an exorbitant number of constants.

  • However, the main reason is the practice of submitting to the community new functions that I use or create to collect feedback and/or improvements (Usually someone thinks of something I haven’t thought of or predicted) :)

  • I get it. I asked because I don’t have much to suggest, no, unless the get_defined_constants is slow (and then, in the absence of an alternative medium, only one cache would be left - preferably ordered, so that a binary search can be used to avoid scrolling through the entire list).

  • @bigown Nothing yet regarding tags, better wait for Marc Gravell’s ok. For now cedilha only works in goal.

3 answers


I know I’m not exactly answering the question as I seem to specifically want a performance improvement, but I would like to make some suggestions to improve the clarity of the code.

As it stands, one can say that the function is doing "too many things": it verifies that there are constants And creates a message for the user -- are two different subjects, it may not be interesting to be connected.

How the function name is get_constantsByPrefix(), it is reasonable to assume that it will return a list of constants (after all, it is get_constants() and not get_constants_or_error_message()). So it is better to return an empty list when no constant is found for the prefix.

Therefore, I suggest removing the if/Else from the end and returning the $dump straightforward. =)

That way, when you write the client code (that is, the code that calls the function) you don’t have to remember to check the type of the returned variable to see if there are constants. And if you want to show a message to the user just check if the list is empty. =)

  • 2

    Yes, it makes sense for the message to be worked outside the function, the function, as its name indicates, is even to collect a matrix, empty or with data!


Taking advantage of the @Lias hook, if the non-existence of constants is something serious in your application, a more consistent alternative to error message return in functions is the use of exceptions, thus:

if (empty($dump)) 
    throw new Exception("Atenção: Não foram localizadas constantes com o prefixo '".$prefix."'");

However, if it is just something informative, log the message and return an empty list.

Furthermore, consider also the principle of single responsibility and, depending on the purpose of this message, place this if in the "client" code that calls the method. See an example:

define('CON_WEBSITE_01', 'John');
$constants = get_constantsByPrefix('CON_WEBSITE_');
print_r( empty($constants) ? "Nada encontrado" :  $constants );

Performance of the function get_constantsByPrefix(), depending on the use case, we may consider the following factors:

Constants can be defined in the "middle" of the main system execution or they are usually defined on startup, for example, in addition of classes at the beginning of the script?

Depending on the case, it would be worth storing the return map for later use, rather than always iterating over all constants.

Let’s scribble an example using a class:

class Constants {

    private $constant_map = null;

    public static function listByPrefix($prefix) {

        if ($this->constant_map == null) {
            $this->constant_map = array();
            foreach (get_defined_constants() as $key=>$value) {
                if (substr($key,0,strlen($prefix))==$prefix) {
                    $this->constant_map[$key] = $value;

        if (empty($this->constant_map)) {
            throw new Exception("Atenção: Não foram localizadas constantes com o prefixo '".$prefix."'");
        } else {
            return $this->constant_map;



Example of use:

define('CON_WEBSITE_01', 'John');

You have control over the definition of constants?

In this case, you could encapsulate their creation with a function that already stores them on the map.

Another sketch:

class Constants {

    private $constant_map = array();

    public static function define($key, $value) {
        $this->constant_map[$key] = $value;

    public static function listByPrefix($prefix) {

        if (empty($this->constant_map)) {
            throw new Exception("Atenção: Não foram localizadas constantes com o prefixo '".$prefix."'");
        } else {
            return $this->constant_map;



Example of use:

Constants::define('CON_WEBSITE_01', 'John');
  • It’s kind of weird for a listing function to raise an exception if it doesn’t find anything. As you have described, the only way to avoid the exception being launched is to ensure that there are constants for the given prefix -- which may be exactly what the calling code wants to find out. Exceptions are better for really exceptional behavior. But I agree that, in any other case, using exceptions would be a more convenient way to signal the error.

  • I agree that in most cases is strange and the best alternative is to return an empty or even null list, although some argue against returning null. But it depends on what this means within the application, whether it is a serious error or just some kind of log information. If the return of this list is essential to the application, as a database access constant, for example, then the fact that you find nothing is a reason for failure. But I also agree that it would be best to treat this outside of function.

  • 1

    @Thanks for the comment. I edited the reply to try not to leave confusion.


Suggestion for code reduction (already removing the warning message suggested by @Lias):

function get_constantsByPrefix($prefix) {
  foreach (get_defined_constants() as $key=>$value) {
    if($prefix == "" || strpos($key, $prefix) === 0) $dump[$key] = $value;
 return $dump;

PS: I didn’t make one benchmarking performance.

PS2: Also set the consistency to return all constants if $prefix come empty (if you want to use the same function for all situations).

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