Could not resolve this Reference. Could not locate the Assembly "Mysql.Data"


Viewed 269 times


How do I add the "Mysql.Data" Reference? I am using Sharpdevelop and not Visual Studio!! inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

2 answers


The following solutions have been tested in Sharpdevelop 5, but in the Visual Studio 2012/2013 is very similar:

Option 1 - Nuget

Double-click References and then in Manage Packages:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

In the window that opens, type the package name (in case Mysql.Data) in the text box and click the Magnifying Glass button to search:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Done! Your reference is created and the best: since it was done with Nuget, you can manage updates for it straight from the IDE by simply clicking on Updates of the window displayed in the second image.

Option 2 - Direct Reference

Double-click References and then in Add Reference:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Click on the third tab, ". NET Assembly Browser" and then on "Browse" to open the Windows file selection box:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

After selecting the DLL it will be possible to reference your code.


Copies the class library MySql.Data.dll and send it to the folder Root of your project, example, if you have in Visual Studio, it will be
Documents/Visual Studio [version]/Projects/Seuapp/bin/debug/
and put the file there... try to do it there

UPDATING: I noticed you’re on Sharpdevelop, so find where your project’s executable is and put Assembly there.

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