Error when filtering data from Datatable


Viewed 227 times


I own a Viewbag where I populate a select with a list of years. When selecting a specific year, filter the table with data only from those years.

To make this filter, I’m using a script:

$(document).ready( function() {

    // any time a filter drop-down changes...
    $("select.filter").change(function () {
        var classes = "";
        var description = "";

    // collect the selected filters
    $("select.filter").each(function() {
        if ($(this).val() != '*') {
        classes += "." + $(this).val();
        if (description != '') description += ', ';
        description += $.trim($(this).find("option:selected").text()); 

    if (classes == "") {
        // if no filters selected, show all items
        $("table.item-list tr").show();
    } else {
        // otherwise, hide everything...
        $("table.item-list tr").hide();
        // then show only the matching items
        rows = $("table.item-list tr" + classes);
        if (rows.size() > 0) {;

    // count up the matching items
    if (description != '') {
        description += " (" + $("table.item-list tr:visible").size() + ")";

    // print a description of the active filter
    }).change(); // here in case a drop-down has been pre-selected

    // just a nice little hover effect
    $("table.item-list tr").hover(
        function() {
        function() {

But this script needs to put the class of <tr> equal to the class of each <select> to perform the filtration.

Until this part I can perform normally, but I have a problem: when filtering the data, the <header>table does not appear.

An example of how this can be seen here.

My view is like this:

@*Recebo os anos no Select*@
    <select class="filter" style="width:100px">
        @for (int i = 0; i < ViewBag.AnoExtrato.Count; i++)

            @*populo o select com a lista de anos*@
            <option value="@ViewBag.AnoExtrato[i]">

    <div id="filter-description"></div>

    <table border="1" id="item-list" class="item-list">
                <th rowspan="2">
                <th rowspan="2">
                    Remuneração<br />
                    Total R$
                <th colspan="4">
                    <p align="center">
                <th colspan="4">
                    <p align="center">
                    Mês R$
                    Ano R$
                    Acumulado R$
                    Mês R$
                    Ano R$
                    Acumulado R$

            @*Variáveis para somar os totais dos campos*@
                double totalContribuinte = 0;
                double totalMunicipio = 0;

            @foreach (var item in Model.Previdencia.GroupBy(g => new { g.NmPessoa, g.dtCompetencia.Value.Year }))
                @*Variáveis para somar os totais dos campos por ano*@
                double subtotalContribuinte = 0;
                double subtotalMunicipio = 0;

                foreach (var contribuicoes in item.ToList())
                    @*Realizam as somas dos campos*@
                    subtotalContribuinte += contribuicoes.Contribuinte;
                    totalContribuinte += contribuicoes.Contribuinte;

                    subtotalMunicipio += contribuicoes.BaseCalculo;
                    totalMunicipio += contribuicoes.BaseCalculo;

                    @*Adiciono a classe igual a selecionada no select*@
                    <tr class="@contribuicoes.dtCompetencia.Value.Year">
                            @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => contribuicoes.dtCompetencia)
                            @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => contribuicoes.BaseCalculo)

                            @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => contribuicoes.Contribuinte)

                            @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => contribuicoes.BaseCalculo)

And in my controller is like this:

ViewBag.AnoExtrato = previdenciaRepository.Previdencias.Where(r => r.CdMatricula == matricula && r.SqContrato == contrato)
    .Select(x => x.dtCompetencia.Value.Year).Distinct().ToList();

    var previdenciaTotal =
        previdenciaRepository.Previdencias.Where(p => p.CdMatricula == matricula && p.SqContrato == contrato)
        .ToList().OrderBy(u => u.dtCompetencia).ToList();

My problem is: How to do for the Header the table appear together with the selected data?

1 answer


In his javascript filter.js, you are hiding your Header, change this code snippet:

if (classes == "") {
        // if no filters selected, show all items
        $("table.item-list tr").show();
    } else {
        // otherwise, hide everything...
        $("table.item-list tr").hide();
        // then show only the matching items
        rows = $("table.item-list tr" + classes);
        if (rows.size() > 0) {;


if (classes == "") {
        // if no filters selected, show all items
        $("table tbody tr").show();
    } else {
        // otherwise, hide everything...
        $("table tbody tr").hide();
        // then show only the matching items
        rows = $("table tbody tr" + classes);
        if (rows.size() > 0) {;

So your Header will always be visible, but its Tbody will change whenever you change the value of Select.

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