Jquery Do not allow Click on a Button that has a certain CSS Class


Viewed 176 times


Good morning Guys, I have an application with Jquery Easyui, and I always call the button click actions with Jquery, as an example below:


It happens that when you click the button and it is disabled, it continues to perform the Jquery Click action.

I wonder if it would be possible to run the Button Click only if it is without a certain css class, in my case . l-btn-disabled. I performed the test as below but it did not work:


Grateful for the attention.

  • that element #btnEditar is a button or a input[type=button]?

1 answer


You can use it like this, using :not():


But note that you are using an ID in your selector, and ID must be unique. Use classes in the Buttons that you want to select ID instead.

Example: https://jsfiddle.net/my78aLr1/

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