Search for results in related tables


Viewed 189 times


I have the following question, I have a ticket system to create calls and I need to do a search to bring the open calls sorted by priority order, so far so good, I need now that the field "$Row->created_by" search the name of the requester that is in another table, currently it brings the ID, I have to use Inner Join to do this?

Could someone explain to me the best way to do this?

Thanks in advance.

  // Busca dados no banco
                    if ($result = $mysqli->query("SELECT chamadosti.*,users.first_name FROM chamadosti INNER JOIN users ON = chamadosti.created_by WHERE status='open' ORDER BY priority DESC "))
                            // exibir os registros se há registros para mostrar
                            if ($result->num_rows > 0)
                                    // exibir registros em uma tabela
                                    echo "<table border='1' cellpadding='5' cellspacing=0 style=border-collapse: collapse bordercolor='#4B5AAB'>";

                                    // definir cabeçalhos de tabela
                                   echo "<tr> <th>N° do Chamado</th> <th>Prioridade</th> <th>Descrição</th> <th>Inicio</th> <th>Criado por:</th> <th>Assumiu:</th> <th>Categoria</th> <th>Sub chamado</th> <th>Editar</th> <th>Deletar</th></tr>";

                                    while ($row = $result->fetch_object())
                                            // cria uma linha para cada registro
                                            echo "<tr>";
                                            echo "<td>" . utf8_encode ($row->id) . "</td>";
                                            echo "<td>" . utf8_encode ($row->priority) . "</td>";
                                            echo "<td>" . utf8_encode ($row->summary) . "</td>";
                                            echo "<td>" . utf8_encode ($row->created_at) . "</td>";
                                            echo "<td>" . utf8_encode ($row->created_by) . "</td>";
                                            echo "<td>" . utf8_encode ($row->assigned_to) . "</td>";
                                            echo "<td>" . utf8_encode ($row->category) . "</td>";
                                            echo "<td>" . utf8_encode ($row->parent_id) . "</td>";
                                            echo "<td><a href='edit_cam.php?id=" . $row->id . "'>Editar</a></td>";
                                            echo "<td><a href='del_cam.php?id=" . $row->id . "' onclick=\"return confirm('Tem certeza que deseja deletar esse registro?');\">Deletar</a></td>";
                                            echo "</tr>";

                                    echo "</table>";
                            // se não há registros no banco de dados, exibir uma mensagem de alerta
                                    echo "Nenhum registro encontrado!";
                    // mostrar um erro se houver um problema com a consulta de banco de dados
                            echo "Error: " . $mysqli->error;

                    // fecha con com banco


2 answers



Try to use this code:

SELECT * FROM tabela INNER JOIN tabela_usuario ON = tabela.created_by 
WHERE tabela.status='open'  
ORDER BY tabela.priority DESC
  • I need only the "created_by" field to come with "first_name" result from the user table.


Thiago, you can use the following SQL:

SELECT cha.*, u.first_name FROM chamadosti as cha INNER JOIN users as u ON = cha.created_by WHERE cha.status='open' ORDER BY cha.priority DESC

It will bring all the information you already use, plus the first_name of your user table.

Now in your file, you can use the following code where you want to display the resulting sql name:

utf8_encode ($row->first_name)


Given the new request, Thiago reported that the calls now have a responsible, which is also linked to table users across the countryside assigned_to table chamadosti, making the necessary changes the SQL would be as follows:

SELECT cha.*, u_created.first_name as criador, u_assigned.first_name as responsavel FROM chamadosti as cha 
LEFT JOIN users as u_created ON = cha.created_by 
LEFT JOIN users as u_assigned ON = cha.assigned_to  
WHERE cha.status='open' ORDER BY cha.priority DESC

and now to show the creator and responsible you can use the following code:

utf8_encode ($row->criador) // para mostrar o criador (vide: alias SQL)
utf8_encode ($row->responsavel) // para mostrar quem assumiu o chamado (vide: alias SQL)
  • Rafael, another question has arisen, I need to complete another field with the name of who assumed the call, how this should be done?

  • Can you explain better how this is done @Thiago? This person who took over the call, is also registered in the users table? What connects this user to table users? Is it an id in the table called ti ? You need to change the SQL above to also bring that person who took over?

  • Yes, it is also in the same table users, exactly the same thing, the field I want to come with the name now is "assigned_to", yes I need that besides the name of who created come the name of who assumed.

  • @Thiago can try this SQL: SELECT cha.*, u_created.first_name, u_assigned.first_name FROM chamadosti as cha &#xA;LEFT JOIN users as u_created ON = cha.created_by &#xA;LEFT JOIN users as u_assigned ON = cha.assigned_to&#xA;WHERE cha.status='open' ORDER BY cha.priority DESC

  • worked partially, he is calling only the names of those who assumed the call, the calls that were not assumed by anyone does not come with the names of those who created the call.

  • @Thiago tries this one: SELECT cha.*, u_created.first_name as criador, u_assigned.first_name as responsavel FROM chamadosti as cha &#xA;LEFT JOIN users as u_created ON = cha.created_by&#xA;LEFT JOIN users as u_assigned ON = cha.assigned_to &#xA;WHERE cha.status='open' ORDER BY cha.priority DESC

  • Brings no results, I should use utf8_encode ($Row->first_name) same?

  • Oh yes sorry, I forgot to comment, I put alias in the two fields to not have more the problem of before... use utf8_encode ($row->criador) and utf8_encode ($row->responsavel)

  • Perfect, worked perfectly, sorry my carelessness to not notice there that you appointed as creator and responsible, Very grateful ;)

  • @Great Thiago :), I will change the answer to add this new situation.

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