Print Enum field in Jasperreports


Viewed 914 times


I created a Enum which has a description field for each of its items.

In my report on Jaspersoft Studio i want to print this description field and not the name() of Enum.

I created a field in the report, but when selecting the class type does not show my Enum then there is no way to select the .getDescricao().

public enum Direcao {


    private final String descricao;

    Direcao(String descricao) {
        this.descricao = descricao;

    public String getDescricao() {
        return descricao;

1 answer


I figured it out, you can force the guy field in his statement in .jrxml and from that you will have access to the methods of Enum.

<field name="tipo" class=""/>

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