I am creating a macro by Activex Command Button, where it will first select specific cells, each column at a time(AT2:AT15, BI2:BI15, BX2:BX15) and sort them from A to Z.
After, in these same cells, in each column, in a row will paint the background of one color (white) and the bottom line of another color (gray), that in the 14 lines. So I’ve each got white and gray, always in that order.
However, the application definition or object definition error occurred.
I am using the following macro:
Private Sub ORDENAR_Click()
' Macro10 Macro
' as
' Atalho do teclado: Ctrl+Shift+P
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Planilha1").Sort.SortFields.Add2 Key:=Range( _
"BX2:BX15"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:= _
With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Planilha1").Sort
.SetRange Range("BX2:BX15")
.Header = xlGuess
.MatchCase = False
.Orientation = xlTopToBottom
.SortMethod = xlPinYin
End With
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Planilha1").Sort.SortFields.Add2 Key:=Range( _
"BI2:BI15"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:= _
With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Planilha1").Sort
.SetRange Range("BI2:BI15")
.Header = xlGuess
.MatchCase = False
.Orientation = xlTopToBottom
.SortMethod = xlPinYin
End With
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Planilha1").Sort.SortFields.Add2 Key:=Range( _
"AT2:AT15"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:= _
With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Planilha1").Sort
.SetRange Range("AT2:AT15")
.Header = xlGuess
.MatchCase = False
.Orientation = xlTopToBottom
.SortMethod = xlPinYin
End With
Range( _
"AT2,AT4,AT6,AT8,AT10,AT12,AT14,BI14,BI12,BI10,BI8,BI6,BI4,BI2,BX2,BX4,BX6,BX8,BX10,BX12,BX14" _
With Selection.Interior
.Pattern = xlSolid
.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorDark1
.TintAndShade = 0
.PatternTintAndShade = 0
End With
Range( _
"BX15,BX13,BX11,BX9,BX7,BX5,BX3,BI3,BI5,BI7,BI9,BI11,BI13,BI15,AT15,AT13,AT11,AT9,AT7,AT5,AT3" _
With Selection.Interior
.Pattern = xlSolid
.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorDark2
.TintAndShade = -0.249977111117893
.PatternTintAndShade = 0
End With
With Selection.Interior
.Pattern = xlSolid
.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorDark2
.TintAndShade = -9.99786370433668E-02
.PatternTintAndShade = 0
End With
End Sub
Debugging takes me to the next line:
.Pattern = xlSolid
The error only happens when I protect the spreadsheet, ie when the spreadsheet is free the code works properly.
Someone can help me?
Here it worked as expected. I did not evaluate if it is the best form of construction. See: How to create a Minimum, Complete and Verifiable example and How to ask a good question?.
– Jean Barbosa
Ok, I believe I forgot to comment on the question, when I protect the spreadsheet that the error occurs, when the spreadsheet is unprotected the macro works normally, if I have some way to make the macro work with the protected spreadsheet, could help me...
– Eduardo Memlak
Edits and complements with the details of what actually occurs in the question. I believe you will have more success in the help you seek.
– Jean Barbosa