Taking values from an Input Array in React


Viewed 44 times


I’m adding two new inputs for each product that is returning me from <li>.

In these new inputs I’m putting a onChange to take whatever is typed and put in my useState, but I’m having a hard time because it puts inside this array any changes in my input, whether one key or another. Not to mention that I can have several inputs equal according to the number of products coming back.

My question is, would there be any other way to do this?

I’ve been trying to find solutions and doing this for four days and it’s complicated.

const [quantidadeUsada, SetQuantidadeUsada] = useState([]);
const [numeroLote, setNumeroLote] = useState([]);

const onChangeQtdUsada = (ev) => {
  const { value } = ev.target;
  SetQuantidadeUsada([...quantidadeUsada, value]);

const onChangeNrmLote = (ev) => {
  const {value} = ev.target;
  setNumeroLote([...numeroLote, value]);

return (
  <ul className="prods-list">
    {prods.map(prod => (
    <li key={prod.modelo}>
      <label htmlFor="modelo">Modelo</label>
      <input name="modelo" type="text" value={prod.modelo} disabled/>
      <label htmlFor="quantidadeDisponível">Quantidade Disponível</label>
      <input name="quantidadeDisponível" type="text" value={prod.quantidadeComprada} disabled/>

      <label htmlFor="quantidadeUsada">Quantidade Aplicada</label>
      <input name="quantidadeUsada" type="text" onChange={onChangeQtdUsada} placeholder="Em metros" />
      <label htmlFor="numeroLote">Número do Lote</label>
      <input name="numeroLote" type="text" onChange={onChangeNrmLote} />

These inputs will be saved in a BD table along with the returned product:

const id_ProdNfe = prods.map(prod => {
  return prod.produtoNfe_id;

for (var i = 0; i < id_ProdNfe.length; i++) {
  const responseProd = await api.post('/consumidor/produto', {
    quantidadeUsada: quantidadeUsada[i],
    numeroLote: numeroLote[i],
    fk_consumidor_id: consumidor_id,
    fk_produtoNfe_id: id_ProdNfe[i]
  • 1

    When you put the code of a component here in Stack Overflow, I suggest not separating it into different parts, it makes understanding difficult. When necessary, omit the unrelated code, but do not "mess up" the code.

  • The way it is there, every time the onChange event is invoked, it adds a new element to the array, but this you must have noticed. If what you want is to change a specific element of the array quantidadeUsada, you should pass to onChangeQtdUsada() an argument that identifies the Indice you want to change. Two options would be the callback index of the prods.map or the key prop of the list.

2 answers


I managed to get the value of each input in specific, I will put the resolution.

const [quantidadeUsada, SetQuantidadeUsada] = useState([]);
const [numeroLote, setNumeroLote] = useState([]);

const onChangeQtdUsada = (e, index) => {
  quantidadeUsada[index] = e.target.value;

const onChangeNrmLote = (e, index) => {
  numeroLote[index] = e.target.value;
return (
<ul className="prods-list">
  {prods.map(prod => (
  <li key={prod.modelo}>
    <label htmlFor="modelo">Modelo</label>
    <input name="modelo" type="text" value={prod.modelo} disabled/>
    <label htmlFor="quantidadeDisponível">Quantidade Disponível</label>
    <input name="quantidadeDisponível" type="text" value={prod.quantidadeComprada} disabled/> //AQUI
    <div key={index}>
      <label htmlFor={`quantidadeUsada-${index+1}`}>Quantidade Aplicada</label>
      <input name="quantidadeUsada" type="text" id={`quantidadeUsada-${index+1}`} onChange={(e)=> onChangeQtdUsada(e, index)} placeholder="Em metros"/>

      <label htmlFor={`numeroLote-${index+1}`}>Número do Lote</label>
      <input name="numeroLote" type="text" id={`numeroLote-${index+1}`} onChange={(e)=> onChangeNrmLote(e, index)} placeholder="Ou Número da Nfe"/>

Now I’m taking each position of my input with the index and putting it into an array.


In the case of onChange you would have to pass an anonymous function to receive this value from input:

const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState('');

<input onChange={(event) => setInputValue(event.target.value) }/>

You wouldn’t need to pass a function to get the value of input, own setState is already a function.

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