Which is more advisable to use, - or _ to friendly url


Viewed 58 times


Is there a difference between using - for _ on friendly urls? ex:

  • honestly do not remember urls with underscore...

  • It is very rare to see URLS with underscore, browsers can understand but internet explorer may have some problems in understanding the use of _. google recommends using hyphen (-) blog/como-fazer-algo, is the most common practice.

  • yes, I only see an underscore parameter.. you can see more here: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/advanced/guidelines/url-structure

  • Hello Jonathan. Welcome to the site. I’m closing the question because this is a question of SEO and not about programming ([help/on-topic]). I recommend asking (or searching) on the site: Webmasters Stack Exchange. Note: despite what was said in the answers, undescore and hyphen have nothing to do with URL complexity issues, the use of one instead of the other has only the meaning of one representing space in search engines.

1 answer


The following text has been translated and adapted from Google Search Center

Keep a simple URL structure.

The URL structure of a website should be as simple as possible. Consider organizing your content so that Urls are constructed logically and in the most intelligible way for humans (when possible, readable words instead of long ID numbers). For example, if you are looking for aviation information, the following URL can help you decide whether to click on this link:


The following URL is much less appealing to users:


Consider the use of punctuation in your Urls. The URL http://www.example.com/green-dress.html is much more useful to us than http://www.example.com/greendress.html. We recommend that you use hyphens(-) instead of underlining(_) in your Urls.

Overly complex Urls, especially those that contain multiple parameters, can cause problems for crawlers, creating an unnecessarily high number of Urls that point to identical or similar content on your site. As a result, Googlebot can consume much more bandwidth than needed or it may not be able to completely index all content on your site.

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