Assuming you are using Listbox, it will not be possible to directly add multiple ranges in the Rowsource property.
You need to set your range before and scroll through it by adding the items inside your Listbox.
Take an example:

Now look at my code:
Dim intervalo As Range 'crio uma variável do tipo Range
Set intervalo = Sheets("NomeDaSuaAba").Range("F3:F6,J3:J7") ' Aqui informo quais são meus intervalos que eu quero adicionar ao meu range
For Each cell In intervalo ' percorro meu intervalo
ListBox1.AddItem cell.Value 'adiciono o valor da celula dentro do meu listbox
My final result:

This is only one way to do it, but there are several ways, each with its advantages and disadvantages.