Two selects with the same script


Viewed 359 times


I have a select that uses a script to fill the city field, through the selected state. The problem is that I need to add another select and when I add, only a select works.

<script src=""></script>

<select id="estado" name="estado"></select>

    <select id="cidade" name="cidade"></select>
    <select id="estado1" name="estado1"></select>

    <select id="cidade1" name="cidade1"></select>

<script type="text/javascript">
      window.onload = function() {
        new dgCidadesEstados(document.getElementById('estado'), document.getElementById('cidade'), true);

<script type="text/javascript">
      window.onload = function() {
        new dgCidadesEstados(document.getElementById('estado1'), document.getElementById('cidade1'), true);

  • @I have 2 selects where I select the state, and when selecting the state, I select the cities of that state. But when adding the second, only ONE works.

1 answer


No need to create two functions window.onload just use one, and inside use another new dgCidadesEstados...

Most likely just being read a onLoad in the creation of the form, so it did not carry the other select

window.onload = function() {
  new dgCidadesEstados(document.getElementById('estado'), document.getElementById('cidade'), true);
  new dgCidadesEstados(document.getElementById('estado1'), document.getElementById('cidade1'), true);
<script src=""></script>
  <select id="estado" name="estado"></select>
  <select id="cidade" name="cidade"></select><br/><br/>
  <select id="estado1" name="estado1"></select>
  <select id="cidade1" name="cidade1"></select>

  • Thank you, that’s exactly what it was.

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