jQuery scroll does not work on Chrome in the rewind to previous page


Viewed 923 times


I have this code that works well (just scroll down) in firefox and Chrome , but if you then click the 'backward' browser (Chrome) it does Trigger just in the load page without me do scroll. In HTML I have:

`<body onunload="">...`


$(document).ready(function() {

window.scrollTo(0, 0); // ir logo para topo no load da pagina para evitar
                       // que faça trigger à animação sem eu fazer scroll


$(window).scroll(function() {
        if ($(window).scrollTop() > 10){
            var href = $('.toWork').attr('href');
                "margin-top": "-1000px"
            }, 800, function(){

2 answers


This behavior depends on the browser and the version of jQuery you are using (1.4 and higher work differently than older versions).

There was a discussion on this a while ago at Stackoverflow, I don’t know if their workaround will suit you, because the answer is too old, but just in case, make sure you’re using the latest version of jQuery.

  • I do, 1.11.1. Isn’t there a way to, with code, turn this around? Based on the code I posted


You probably are trying to load jQuery from Google on the link:


This causes Chrome not to run script from an unsecured page on a secure page.

When I had this problem I changed from http for https and rotated normal.


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