How to load a Recycleview with a list?


Viewed 251 times


I have a List loaded with a JSON of a query with multiple records and multiple columns:

List<Videos> lstVideos = new ArrayList<Videos>();

So far so good. What I need is to carry one RecycleView with that list.
In that RecycleView will have a configuration of layout similar to this:

Imagem        Titulo do Video


Imagem        Titulo do Video


Imagem        Titulo do Video


How can I do that ?

Can you give me an example of code, tutorial, video, whatever allows me to do something like that? Thank you so much for all your help.

1 answer


  • Thanks, but that didn’t help much

  • @user3267188, for me this link gives all the information necessary to start making this list, just adapt to your "datasource". I would just recommend to milestones, put pertinent information from the link, as it may become invalid (despite being google, the address may change).

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