How to store images in an Android vector?


Viewed 822 times


I have images inside the drawable and to access it simply R.drawable.myimage. How to store this image in a vetor?

  • Have you tried to store only their reference?

  • What is your purpose?

  • @ramaral is the following to be able to pass by parameter, example image[0], image[1].... changing the numbers with an incrementer

  • @ramaral or using String to access them

  • @Diegof not as it would be?

2 answers


Don’t keep the pictures, keep your Resource Id using a int[]:

int[] imagensIds = {

You can pass all images to a method:


or just a:


State the methods as follows:

private processaImagens(int[] imagensIds){

private processaImagem(int imagemId){
  • +1 I believe this is the best way.

  • @Diegof I still waited for you to answer.

  • 1

    To tell you the truth I hadn’t even come up with anything to answer, the suggestion was kind of automatic when I saw the question. :/

  • @ramaral it is possible to place the resource Id in a notepad or arquivo.txt make this file read and store in an integer array? if yes how?

  • Yes it is possible. A resource Id is no more than an integer. You can use Sharedpreferences for this.

  • As you know we should not use comments to ask and answer new questions:)

  • @ramaral beauty I will open a new question

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as this answer is long without complement goes there: ///I create a Gallery Gallery gallery1;

//declares an array of images already pasted into Drawable to be pic0....: Integer[] imagensID = { R.drawable.pic0, R.drawable.pic1, R.drawable.pic2, R.drawable.pic3 }; on onCreate I start and do the logica to grab the images /////////// Gallery gallery = (Gallery)findViewById(; gallery.setAdapter(new Imageadapter(this)); gallery.setOnItemClickListener(new Adapterview.Onitemclicklistener() { @Override public void onItemClick(Adapterview<? > Parent, View view, int position, long id) {

           //se chegar na ultima imagem, volta para a primeira
            if (position >=9){
                gallery.setAdapter(new ImageAdapter(getApplicationContext()));

    gallery.setOnItemLongClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemLongClickListener() {
        public boolean onItemLongClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {
         return true;
    ///////fim da galeria de fotos

//I set a class to configure the images and such //start of image Adapter, picked up somewhere and improved for my use ///if you remember would give the credits

public class Imageadapter extends Basedapter{ private context; private int itemBackground; public Imageadapter(Context c){ context =c; Typedarray a = obtainStyledAttributes(R.styleable.Gallery1); itemBackground=a. getResourceId(R.styleable.Gallery1_android_galleryitembackground, 0); a. Recycle(); } @Override public int getCount(){ Return imagensID.length; } @Override public Object getItem(int position){ Return position; } @Override public long getItemId(int position){ Return position; } @Override public View getView(int position, View convertView, Viewgroup Parent){ Imageview imageView = new Imageview(context); imageView.setImageResource(imagensID[position]);

            imageView.setPadding(10, 10, 10, 10);
            imageView.setLayoutParams(new Gallery.LayoutParams(650, 600));
            return imageView;

//take the image and arrow in the imageView with the setLayoutParams tamnaho public View getView1(int position, View convertView, Viewgroup Parent){ Imageview imageView = new Imageview(context); imageView.setImageResource(imagensID[position]); imageView.setScaleType(ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_XY); imageView.setLayoutParams(new Gallery.Layoutparams(780, 1280)); imageView.setBackgroundResource(itemBackground); Return imageView; }

} ///end of image Adapter

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