Divs render but no past data appears, React


Viewed 61 times


the program takes data from an api and passes through a filter that returns to the component products that should render on the screen that list, which it does but the product data is not seem.

import Cards from '../function/card';
import renderlist from '../function/renderlist'; 
import {useEffect,useState } from 'react';

function Products(){      
       useEffect(() => {fetchData()}, []);
    const [list,setlist]= useState()

    async function fetchData() {
        const res = await renderlist()
        const list = res.map((valor) =><Cards value={valor} key={valor.name}/>)

export default Products;

the components are rendered on the screen but the data passed does not appear, the cards Components.

function Cards(unid){
        <img alt={'aqui'} url={unid.url} ></img>

they appear on the screen with the right amount but does not appear the information passed in the parameters, just appears empty Ivs. I checked the list and it looks like a list of objects of type {$$typeof: Symbol(React.element). what appears on the user screen only the "here" the other data does not appear, but appear the span and img so that empty...

  • where are you calling: fetchData()?

  • in useeffect, I don’t know why it didn’t show up there, but I’ve fixed it

  • if you did wrong, dice you keep in on the variable list and in the list you use the map and shows the component, the way you did just created a array component

  • could explain me little better ? I am little lost

1 answer


Only need in variable list store the result of API then use this variable to map the component Cards, example:

const data = [
    url: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150.png/091/fff'
    url: 'https://via.placeholder.com/150.png/09f/fff'
function Cards({unid}) {
    return (
        <img alt={unid.url} src={unid.url} alt="" />        

function Products() {      
    const [list, setlist] = React.useState(data);
    React.useEffect(() => {
    }, []);    
    function fetchData() {
        // libera essas duas linhas
        //const list = await renderlist()
    return (
      <div>{list.map((x, i) => (<Cards unid={x} /> ))}</div>

ReactDOM.render(<Products/>, document.getElementById('root'));
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/16.8.3/umd/react.production.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react-dom/16.8.3/umd/react-dom.production.min.js"></script>
<div id="root">Carregando ...</div>

It also had errors of html where the tag <img /> to show the image is by src.

  • 1

    thanks for the help

  • There is a person in this network who only knows how to vote negative and contributes nothing!

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