How to Set Different "Row" Sizes in Bootstrap 3


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I’m wondering how to set a value of 100% width (filling the whole screen, independent of the container) only for a bootstrap "Row", is it necessary to create a new css class for that Row in specific? has a + easy way to get?

I appreciate anyone who can help me


  • Friend think Row is already 100% but it is 100% relative to the element that limits the width. It is not quite the Row that you want to change.

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3 answers


Friend, you can use the . container-Fluid


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from this concept you will create your layout.


Colleagues, I have managed to solve my problem by using the following structure::

container (for centralized fixed content)

container-Fluid (to leave 100% widht) and inside another container (to place the centralized content :)


<div class="container">

<div class="container-fluid">
    <div class="container">


If you want it to be 100% only in a certain Row I suggest you do something like:

'.row .row-100'

why so you would be adding property width:100% only for that specific Row. Always think scalably, how much I will use, if it is something specific, prefer to create a new class.

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