Middleware in the Laravel to check if the user belongs to a group


Viewed 247 times


Good morning and my first post here, I want to create a check in the Standard to check if the logged-in user belongs to the group ex: IT, DIRECTORATE, ADMINISTRATION etc. I already do the check on the route if the user is logged in using auth, I wanted a second check:

Route::group(['middlewere' => 'auth', 'prefix' => 'ti'], function(){

    Route::get('/listati', 'TiController@index')->name('index');


I could only access this route that the user is from the IT group, my system uses adldap2 and synchronizes with AD, I even saw about doing a new middleware and checking if the user belongs to the group, but then analyzing I would have to do a 20 middleware to get if the user belongs to the given group, example:

namespace App\Http\Middleware;
use Closure;   

class Verificagrupo { 

  public function handle($request, Closure $next)
     if ( !auth()->check() )
         return redirect()->route('login');
     $setor = auth()->user()->setor;
     if ( $setor != 'ti' )
         return redirect->route('naoautorizado');
     return $next($request); 

this middleware would only be able to verify that the user and you, I would like to check not only for the IT group, but also for ADM, SAUDE, ENGINEERING etc all groups... does anyone have any ideas ? how to improve this user group check ? could give me a light indicate some library or something? and avoid having to create 20 middleware to do this group check ? I thank you in advance...

  • There is this library here, it is quite complete: https://spatie.be/docs/laravel-permission/v3/introduction

  • I’ll search this library friend, thank you

2 answers


You can add a parameter in middleware as documented:

public function handle($request, Closure $next, $setorPermitido)
     if ( !auth()->check() )
         return redirect()->route('login');
     $setor = auth()->user()->setor;
     if ( $setor != $setorPermitido )
         return redirect->route('naoautorizado');
     return $next($request); 

After mapping the middleware name in the variable $routeMiddleware of the kernel.php file you can use on the routes something like:

Route::group(['middlewere' => ['auth', 'verificagrupo:ti']], function(){
    // ...

There’s a similar answer but I don’t think it’s a double question.

  • Friend, thank you so much for the help, I had seen the documentation before Oce reply, but with your reply I looked again at the documentation this time in Portuguese and what I was missing to avoid a lot of middleware was just this take the parameter of the route... Thank you


Well doing this method would really take a lot of checks and create a middleware new whenever a new group arises, a solution to this problem would be to group the groups (mixed)... as follows:

Let’s say you had a table of groups as follows:

| id |    nome    | grupo |
|  1 | ADM        |     1 |
|  2 | ENGENHARIA |     1 |

and an example Middleware:

class Verificagrupo { 

  public function handle($request, Closure $next)
     if (!auth()->check())
        return redirect()->route('login');
    $setor = auth()->user()->setor;
    $grupos = Grupo::where('grupo', 1)
    // verificar se utilizador esta nos grupos com coluna grupo com valor 1
    if(!in_array($setor, $grupos)) {
        return redirect()->route('naoautorizado');
     return $next($request); 

So you would check everything at once, but instead you could use a package that will help you greatly in the development: Laravel-Permissions

  • 1

    I’ll try it out friend, I ended up running out of time at the moment because of another demand, but I’ll stop later to see it properly, anyway thank you

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