Play video from a playlist according to date and time has how?


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hello i am creating a system webtv/playlist have the following html code :

<meta charset="utf-8">
<video id="player-video" controls controlsList="nodownload" class="player-video" ></video>

and a script like that:

<script type="text/javascript">
    //iniciando o script

(function () {
    var playerVideo = document.getElementById("player-video");
    var current = 0;
    var videos = [];


    function nextVideo() {
        playerVideo.src = videos[current];


        if (current >= videos.length) {
            current = 0;

    playerVideo.addEventListener("ended", nextVideo);



so far nothing else,more what I really want and that depending on the time it plays a specific video example:

when it is 12:00 he plays the video_1.mp4

when it’s 1:00 he plays the video_2.mp4

is that clear? ,?

2 answers


Yes. You will need to fetch the local time used in the Date class.

var date = new Date();
if(date.getHours() == 12){
    var video = document.getElementById("video");
    video.src = urls[i++];;



Well, in data logic...

You can use the object Date!

To access the values of the object, you must first insert it into a variable:

var date = new Date();

From there, you have easy access to information from string using native methods, such as .getHours(Which is what interests you at the moment) and insert into another variable.


Objeto Date() dentro da variável

(Called at 8 o'clock)

And so, you can draw up a parole or a switch()from that, and modify the video to be displayed from a predefined variable that receives such an HTML element.


let video = document.querySelector('#video0');

switch (hora){

case 13: video = document.querySelector('#video1') 

And basically this is it, you can choose a good event on the page to activate a function to check the time and, if this is it or that, change from your taste.

That was the simplest way I could explain, and the examples are kind of "hard coded", but it was only to demonstrate the principle of the thing, I hope to have helped.

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