Query with multiple Mysql SELECT’s


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SELECT prefixo FROM getVeiculosLinha AS V JOIN getLinhas AS L ON V.cod_linha = L.cod_linha JOIN tab_garagens AS G ON V.prefixo = G.onibus_prefixo

SELECT c.local FROM status AS s JOIN cadastro_pontos AS c ON c.onibus_ponto = s.onibus_ponto JOIN tab_garagens AS t ON t.onibus_prefixo = c.local WHERE data > (NOW() - INTERVAL 10 MINUTE) GROUP BY s.onibus_ponto

The two queries are distinct queries in which I would like to generate a third query with the data that NAY are duplicated; remembering that both have a common column (c.local and prefix) that bring the same information but from different places.

1 answer


Since Mysql does not implement FULL OUTER JOIN simulate with UNION from LEFT JOIN and RIGHT JOIN and using CTE to simplify:

  cte1 AS (SELECT prefixo FROM getVeiculosLinha AS V JOIN getLinhas AS L ON V.cod_linha = L.cod_linha JOIN tab_garagens AS G ON V.prefixo = G.onibus_prefixo),
  cte2 AS (SELECT c.local FROM status AS s JOIN cadastro_pontos AS c ON c.onibus_ponto = s.onibus_ponto JOIN tab_garagens AS t ON t.onibus_prefixo = c.local WHERE data > (NOW() - INTERVAL 10 MINUTE) GROUP BY s.onibus_ponto)
SELECT prefixo, local FROM cte1 LEFT JOIN cte2 ON (prefixo = local) WHERE local IS NULL
SELECT prefixo, local FROM cte1 RIGHT JOIN cte2 ON (prefixo = local) WHERE prefixo IS NULL;
  • Friend, this change is occurring error on the part of Mysql, in the WITH line. I believe that Mysql, so I searched, no longer exists this command. But I don’t know how to do something more elaborate to make it work the way I need it.

  • https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/with.html#common-table-Expressions

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