Frequency table - Python


Viewed 333 times


Hello, I’m a beginner in the programming area and I’m having difficulty making a frequency table.

The table is this:

import math
import statistics
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats
import pandas as pd

escolaridade = {
  'Grau de escolaridade' : ['Primário', 'Secundário', 'Superior'],
   'Urbano' : [5025, 3155, 1720], 
   'Rural' : [2580, 285, 20]}

df = pd.DataFrame(escolaridade)

I need to calculate:

Proportion and % of individuals and each level of education, beyond some proportions, but I could not even sum up the figures to develop the calculations.

I wonder if someone could help me?

1 answer


This is just one of the ideas you can use:

Copying the dataframe to the original to be intact:

df1 = df.copy()

Adding up the lines:

df1['Total'] = df1.sum(axis = 1)

Adding the columns together and creating a new row in the dataframe:

df1 = df1.append(df1.sum(axis = 0), ignore_index = True)

Setting 'Education Degree' as index:

df1.set_index('Grau de escolaridade', inplace = True)

Renaming the index of the new line:

 df1.rename(index = {'PrimárioSecundárioSuperior': 'Total'}, inplace = True)

Calculating the frequency:

df1['% Urbano'] =  round(df1['Urbano'] / df1['Total'],4) * 100
df1['% Rural'] = round(df1['Rural'] / df1['Total'],4) * 100


                      Urbano    Rural   Total   % Urbano    % Rural
Grau de escolaridade                    
            Primário    5025    2580    7605       66.07    33.93
            Secundário  3155    285     3440       91.72    8.28
            Superior    1720    20      1740       98.85    1.15
               Total    9900    2885    12785      77.43    22.57

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