Assign return of findOne to a global variable Node Node.js


Viewed 430 times


I couldn’t do that assignment, so is there anything missing?

 global.pedido = db.collection('configuracoes').findOne({ parametro: "pedido_num"})
  • In this Collection I have {parameter:"pedido_num",value:100}

  • on the console looks like this:Order number: [Object Promise] { number: Promise { <pending> }, package: 'Gold package', coupon: ', discount: 0,

  • I made an edition according to the mongodb manual, but it didn’t help. global.request = db.Collection('configurations'). findOne({ parameter: "pedido_num"},{value:1});

3 answers


findOne returns a Promise, so the result will only be ready when it is solved. The result can be used in this way:

db.collection('configuracoes').findOne({ parametro: "pedido_num"}, function(err, document) {
  if ( !err ) global.pedido = document;


Another way to get the result of Promise is using await, but this command needs to be within an asynchronous function (just mark it as async).

try {
    global.pedido = await db.collection('configuracoes').findOne({ parametro: "pedido_num"});
} catch (error) {


You can try to put in a callback function intended to find an error if it exists. For example:

try {
  global.pedido = db.collection('configuracoes').findOne({ parametro: "pedido_num"});
} catch (error) {
console.log('>>>>>> Error: ', error);
  • Matheus, testei gives no error, but it is the question of the Promise and does not return the value

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