Spring Boot - initial test data


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I am trying to pass data to test the front, but the controller is not getting the data that Spring Boot should start.

My application.properties:


My import.sql:

INSERT INTO convidado
    (id, nome, quantidadeDeAcompanhante)
VALUES(1, 'Pedro', 2);
INSERT INTO convidado
    (id, nome, quantidadeDeAcompanhante)
VALUES(2, 'Ana', 5);
INSERT INTO convidado
    (id, nome, quantidadeDeAcompanhante)
VALUES(3, 'Ricardo', 1);

My controller:

public class ConvidadosController {
    private Convidados convidados;
    public ModelAndView listar() {
        ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("ListaConvidados");
        modelAndView.addObject("convidados", convidados.findAll());
        System.out.println("***** " + convidados.findAll().toString() + " *******");
        return modelAndView;

My Invited Entity:

public class Convidado implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    private Long id;
    private String nome;
    private Integer quantidadeDeAcompanhante;

My Pository:

import com.gestaofestas.model.Convidado;
public interface Convidados extends JpaRepository<Convidado, Long> {


My folders:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

In case it is returning an empty array and does not give error. How do I test this way by inserting data into the sql file that Spring Boot loads in Hibernate?

  • in fact the name that it will map to make this Insert is the "data.sql" no import.sql, check section 10.3 of the manual: https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/howto.html#howto-database-initialization

1 answer



  1. Put the following in your application.properties:
  1. Rename the file import.sql for data sql.

  2. Make sure the file data sql. is located in src/main/Resources

  3. Place @Column above the variables/columns name and quantityDepartnering

  4. If you have a script to create tables, the script has to be called schema.sql. Then put the following in your application.properties:


See more information in the reference Database initialization spring.

  • I don’t have a schema.sql. It continues with getting nothing in the array. Looking at the print of the package hierarchy, do you think this could be it? Tá dando: Failed to execute SQL script statement #1 of URL [file:/C:/Users/Everton/Documents/gestao-festas/target/classes/data.sql]: INSERT INTO guest (id, name, quantityDecompanion) VALUES(1, 'Pedro', 2); nested Exception is org.H2.jdbc.Jdbcsqlsyntaxerrorexception: Column "QUANTIDADEDECOMPANION" not found; SQL statement: INSERT INTO guest (id, name, quantityDecompanion) VALUES(1, 'Pedro', 2) [42122-200]

  • @Evertonlevi JPA cannot find BD columns. Place @Column on top of variables/columns nome and quantidadeDeAcompanhante. If the error persists, create the schema.sql file and use CREATE TABLE... to create the structure of your table.

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