Fetch not returning anything [PDO::FETCH_ASSOC]


Viewed 133 times



abstract class ConnectionClass {
    protected function conecta(){
        $dsn = "mysql:host=localhost; dbname = coletase"; 
        $user = 'root'; 
        $pass = '';       
            $connectionPDO = new PDO($dsn, $user, $pass);
            echo "foi";
            return $connectionPDO;
        }catch(PDOException $erro){
            echo "DEU ERRO";
            echo ($erro->getMessage());

My code:

class PegaDadosClass extends ConnectionClass{
    //Exibição dos dados dos locais em JSON
    public function cospeJSON(){
        $fetching=$this->conecta()->prepare("select * from local");



        header("Content-type: application/json");
        echo json_encode($j);

It returns me an empty array. The connection is established normally, but for some reason it returns me an empty array. Can you help me? I really have no idea why it didn’t work.

  • Instead of manually fetch each one tries to call this right after the run(), $result = $fetching->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); and see what he brings

1 answer


Good morning,

I was going through the same problem, I identified that my main method was going through an array, where I was deleting a certain data, later I tried to recover the deleted data, just as I was inside the same transaction returned a Null value in the array, even when I took the query that returned a result, because inside the transaction was already deleted and when the error occurred I sent a rollback.

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