I have a list of Zip Code of cities that an agreement meets (sells). for example: Campinas Range of Campinas Cep 13000001 to 13139999, Araras from 13600001 to 13609999. I needed to create an Else IF so for a template input: Note: If the code is wrong there below, it was really to illustrate, can be in JS or Jquery.
var campinas (13000001 a 13139999);
var araras (13600001 a 13609999);
if (valor digitado estiver na faixa dos cep de Campinas ou Araras) {
alert("Cobrimos sua área");
} else {
alert("Não atendemos a área de seu CEP");
<input type="text" id="cep" />
Leo follows down my doubt.
– Gilberto Bá