Android app development: what are the tools and language to start a project?


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I would like to venture into creating apps for Android. At first I would make one just for own use.

What tools would I need to build my development environment? My application would use database, there are some more recommended?

And the language, there are options or is only java?

  • The default is Java, but I know it is possible to program in C# and Delphi (I don’t know with what limitations). Do a search.

  • Take a look at this alternative: (I have no affiliation with the company, not even use the product). For some people it may be a better alternative.


  • Upgrading, in addition to Java it is also possible to program in Kotlin.

6 answers


Tools needed to start development

  1. SDK from Android
  2. A IDE: Android Studio or Eclipse (discontinued)

Here, has a tutorial teaching you how to set everything up right.

Have an android workbook, I recommend, is this here

Language options:

To program for android, the ideal is in Java or Kotlin, which are the two official languages of Android (can even be combined, that is, some classes in Kotlin and others in Java), but also has other options as the Phonegap, which is a framework that allows programming using HTML5 and Javascript

Tutorials on how to use Phonegap, here and here

Data persistence

The Android API offers different options when it comes to saving data for use later. Which option is most appropriate depends on the type of information that will be saved and the availability you want her to have. Follows some:

  1. Shared Preferences
  2. Sqlite
  3. Internal Storage
  4. External Storage
  5. Caching
  • In terms of database is Sqlite itself. Just like Java, Sqlite already comes with Android.

  • Just out of curiosity, why do you recommend Eclipse? I believe Android Studio is more fluid and simpler to configure.

  • @Tobymosque Google released version 1.0 of Android Studio at the end of last year. So when that response was made, I believe it wasn’t very stable.

  • I didn’t notice that the question was old, someone must have dug up this issue making her go to the top of my feed


There are several Ide for Android development. I use the Eclipse with plugin for Android, below some I know:

  • Xamarin Studio
  • Visual Studio
  • Eclipse
  • Android Studio

Monodroid is today one of the best options for those who want to develop for Android without abandoning Visual Studio. For those who know Visual Studio and C#, this is very valuable.

Regarding the database Android uses as native Sqlite.


To develop for android you have two options or use WebApp or native.

  1. Webapp You will use knowledge of Html5+CSS3+Javascript and then pack up this app of yours with options like phonegap/Cordova Titanium or other, the application will be web, but will run "native" will be slower than a native application but with few changes runs on android and iOS. These tools that package your code have libraries (in javascript) that give you access to your device and then you get almost everything you could with a native application.

  2. Native Application You will get the advantages of performance and more access options to the phone settings basically. You will need Android SDK, here, and it is recommended to use the eclipse.


A tool to develop in a single language but generating for various platforms in Native form (Android, iOS) is Genexus:

It allows not only to create the Smart Device app in native form, but also the web backend (Java, C#, Ruby) for the App to connect and synchronize the data automatically with any database (Mysql, Oracle, MSSQL, Postgresql, Db2).


The standard development tool for Android is the Android SDK, you can check on link.

The operating system as a whole was thought to run Java applications and so it is a bit difficult to get away from it. There is the possibility of running native code, in C language, but this is little recommended by Google. Even so you wouldn’t develop end-user applications without using Java, but in general only libraries.

About database need, for local base you probably want to use Sqlite. Otherwise it will probably use some web service technology.

There is a version of Eclipse IDE that integrates the Android SDK where you can preview your work, which makes the work be, at least regarding user interface development, more productive.


An option for development for both Android, iOS and others is the Titanium Appcelerator.

Works with MVC structure, most of its code is in javascript and easy to understand.

  • 1

    Essential for agile development, but it doesn’t take the most that the S.O. can offer.

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