Run a python script in javascript


Viewed 144 times


client.on("chat", function(channel, user, message, self){
    if(message === 'Olá'){
        client.action("ythezack", user["display-name"] + " Seja bem vindo!");}
    if(message === '!Nick'){
        client.action("ythezack", "Meu nick no lol é: Sixxxty me adicione lá!")
    if(message === '!MeuAmigo'){
        client.action("ythezack", "Sixx já disse meu amigo " + MeuAmigo + " vezes!")}
    if(message === '!saranking'){



I made this code in javascript, for bot on Twitch.Tv, and would like to know in the case of if(message===!saranking) It would be possible to run a python code there?

  • You are running that code on Node or browser?

  • Node, write in sublime and run in cmd

1 answer


You can use to run Nodes. I’m not sure what the logic of your application is and what asynchronous threads you need to have but an example would be:

const { spawn } = require('child_process');
const processoPython = spawn('python',["caminho/para/", arg1, arg2, ...]);

processoPython.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
  // fazer algo

processoPython.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
  // gerir o erro

processoPython.on('close', (code) => {
  // o processo acabou

To insert into your application you have to take into account that callbacks are asynchronous and if/Else logic is not. I suggest chaining the continuation of this script after reply from end or if the stderr be called.

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