What is the right way to import css and javascript in a project view?


Viewed 247 times


I saw on the internet that puts the files in the public folder and calls in the view the Asset function of Blade... but this is currently correct ? why I see that in the project the js and css files come in the Resources folder... by default... the correct thing would not be to call them from there ?

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1 answer


The briefcase public is, as the name says, public, ie, everything it contains is accessible via the url of the server that is running the application. Example if your application is running on localhost on port 80:


will be available via: http://localhost/img/logo.png.

Now, if you move this same file to the folder resources it will no longer be available at the above url.

Already the folder resources are the files that the front-end source that can be compiled and its results will go to the public.

Not necessarily the function asset() (which is a helper and can be accessed anywhere in the application, not only in Blade) will fetch the files in the public, your files may be elsewhere as in the documentation example: https://laravel.com/docs/master/helpers#method-Asset

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