I’m trying to make a sum at the time of a INSERT
in a table but I’m having difficulties to accomplish, in my case, the sum needs to take into account a grouping by phone number and user, for example:
Telephone 99858-8888
user’s ID 77
had 5
calls with their values, being:
I need to add these values and play them in the variable ValorDebito
and carry out the INSERT
The structure of my table is like this:
`IdItemProcesso` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'Identificador único do item do processo', `IdProcesso` INT(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Código do processo', `IdUsuario` INT(6) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Código do usuário', `NumeroTelefone` VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Número do telefone', `ValorDebitado` DECIMAL(6,2) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Valor debitado para o usuário', `Mes` INT(2) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Mês do processo', `Ano` INT(4) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Ano do processo',
I tried something, it was like this:
foreach($ValorDebitado as $key=>$Soma) { $SomaValorDebito+= $Soma; // INSERINDO DO PROCESSO NA TABELA cpdItemProcesso $crud = $conexao->prepare("INSERT INTO cpdItemProcesso (IdProcesso,IdUsuario,NumeroTelefone,ValorDebitado,Mes,Ano) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)"); $crud->bindParam(1, $IdProcesso, PDO::PARAM_INT); $crud->bindParam(2, $IdUsuario, PDO::PARAM_INT); $crud->bindParam(3, $NumeroTelefone, PDO::PARAM_STR); $crud->bindParam(4, $SomaValorDebito, PDO::PARAM_STR); $crud->bindParam(5, $Mes, PDO::PARAM_INT); $crud->bindParam(6, $Ano, PDO::PARAM_INT); $crud->execute(); }
If it is a calculated field wouldn’t it be more practical to create a view? If you really want to keep such a sum in the bank create a Trigger.
– anonimo